
This operation reads remote media references prepared by concentrator, imports them into Mastodon instance and prepares a remote references lookup table for toot so that it can bind new statuses with their remote media references.

$ java -jar egor.jar media -help
usage: egor.mastodon.MediaImporter [-a <ACCESS_TOKEN>] [-c <CLIENT_ID>] [-f <FILENAME>] [-h <HOSTNAME>] [-help] [-u <FILENAME>]
 -a,--access-token <ACCESS_TOKEN>   Client access token
 -c,--client-id <CLIENT_ID>         Client id
 -f,--config <FILENAME>             Configuration file
 -h,--home <HOSTNAME>               Mastodon server hostname
 -help                              print this message
 -u,--unique-media-db <FILENAME>    Media hash database

Configuration variables (access token, client id, home) are read from a configuration file, but they can be reconfigured by the explicit parameters --access-token, --client-id and --home.


The filename specifies configuration file with credentials.


It sets an access token explicitly.


It sets a client id explicitly. This parameter is not used in the current version.


It sets Mastodon instance hostname explicitly.


This database stores references to remote media already saved into Mastodon. It will be updated accordingly.

Example of use

# process, extract media references ( and prepare textual import (xkcd.out)
$ java -jar egor.jar concentrator -f "TITLE LINK #JOKE" -u -r -ri >xkcd.out

# import media references (download + save them into Mastodon), prepare lookup table (xkcd-media.resolver)
# eliminate media duplicates (xkcd-media.db)
$ java -jar egor.jar media -f hahabimbi.cfg -u xkcd-media.db > xkcd-media.resolver <

# import RSS feed (xkcd.out), resolve media attachments (xkcd-media.resolver) and eliminate all duplicates (xkcd-hash.db)
$ java -jar egor.jar toot -f hahabimbi.cfg -u xkcd-hash.db -m xkcd-media.resolver <xkcd.out

Note: This script can run in a cron.