
egothor.j5m.demo.SayHelloImpl and egothor.j5m.demo.Walker

SayHelloImpl is a server implementing SayHello interface. It returns a static message or any of SayHelloImpl's boot parameters.

Walker is a client that ask a server object //domain1/hello (it must be instance of SayHello) for a message that is printed out with the prefix "zzzz? ". "zzzz" is printed out when the server object does not respond or is unaccessible.


RunningClock lists all //domain1/clock objects which are accessible in j5m. You can start the RunningClock instances under //domain1/clock name to see whether they can see each other. Moreover, the instance is also able to detect its own instance via "live parameter".


LabeledFilesystem resolves and prints out the location of "temporary" folder. The folder must be denoted with the ".label.j5m.temporary" dot-file by administrator, and it must be accessible from a root folder specified by "-Dfs=" parameter of the underlying JVM.


PoolDemo is another implementation of SayHello interface. It behaves as SayHelloImpl. Before the message is returned, PoolDemo finds JDBC resource in a registry and executes a commit operation on the respective JDBC Connection object.


High-availability access to a server object //domain1/hello. If the current server object disappears, then the new one is searched immediately.


High-availability access to a server object //domain1/hello. If the current server object disappears, then the new (fastest) one is searched immediately.


High-availability access to a server object //domain1/hello. If the current server object disappears, then the new one is searched immediately. If no candidates are accessible, the program waits silently.


High-availability access to a server object //domain1/hello. If the current server object disappears, then the new (fastest) one is searched immediately. If no candidates are accessible, the program waits silently.